Coordination visit of Dr. Sintayehi Yiegrem Mersha in Hohenheim
24.06.-15.07.2019, Food Security Center, University of Hohenheim
In the period from 24 June until 15 July 2019 the CLIFOOD coordinator in Hawassa University Dr. Sintayehu Yigrem Mersha visited the CLIFOOD office at the Food Security Center, Hohenheim. Together with CLIFOOD coordinators in Hohenheim Dr. Susanne Dreschl-Bogale and Tetyana Tonkoshkur they held several meetings for planning and adjusting details for upcoming activities as well as discussing and providing feedback on previous activities. In their agenda, they addressed topics such as the SDG Network meeting, block seminar, media didactic seminars, statistical methods seminar, and additional specific topics with other collaborators.