CLIFOOD Financial Training
27-28 November 2018 at Hawassa University, Ethiopia
Parallel to the CLIFOOD Block Seminar entitled “Sustainable Intensification of African Livestock Systems in a Changing World” and the Network Meeting of the Bilateral SDG Graduate Schools: “Making SDGs reality?” the Financial Training within CLIFOOD project was offered on November 27-28, 2018 for staff engaged with financial and administrative procedures.
During the training DAAD experts Dorothee Schwab and Kirsten Bönninghausen provided an overview about the DAAD, its programs, reporting and financial regulations. The FSC CEO Dr. Nicole Schoenleber has deepened the topic of Accounting, Reporting and Timeframes and introduced rules and procedures at the University of Hohenheim. Financial and accounting system in Hawassa University was explained by Tesfaye Chemere. Discussion rounds and joint examination of examples for accounting and documentation of different budget headings facilitated achievement of common understanding. By the end of the second training day the participants agreed on the joint definition of documentation procedures within CLIFOOD.