Global Forum for Food and Agriculture
International Green Week (Berlin 2018)
The Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) is an international conference that focuses on central questions concerning the future of the global agri-food industry. It gives representatives from the worlds of politics, business, science and civil society an opportunity to share ideas and enhance understanding on a selected topic of current agricultural policy.
The 10th Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) on the subject "Shaping the Future of Livestock – sustainably, responsibly, efficiently” was held in Berlin from 18th to 20th January 2018. The CLIFOOD team from Hawassa University visited GFFA and the International Green Week. They had a great opportunity to attended the Kick-of Event of the GFFA, Cooperation Market and different Expert Panel Discussions, such as: “SDGs and the future of livestock what are the expectations of international and national civil society”, “Africa’s livestock potential – traditional solutions for the future?”; “Climate Protection – Efficiency – Animal Welfare: Challenges and Goal Conflicts of Sustainable Livestock Husbandry in the Context of Global Markets” and others.
On January 19, 2018 the Food Security Center was presented at the Cooperation Market of the GFFA during International Green Week (IGW).