CLIFOOD Media Didactic Seminar II: “OpenILIAS e-Learning platform”
October 4, 2019 in Hawassa University, Ethiopia
Media Didactic Seminar is a part of the qualification program for CLIFOOD Scholars. Sequence of two media didactic seminars was offered to CLIFOOD Scholars in the framework of the Block Seminar 6 in Hawassa University. The second CLIFOOD Media Didactic Seminar “OpenILIAS e-Learning platform” with a trainer from the University of Hohenheim took place on October 4th 2019. The trainer of the Media Didactic Seminar Dr. Christian Brandt, Institute of Agricultural Sciences in the Tropics (Hans-Ruthenberg-Institute), Section Agronomy in the Tropics and Subtropics, introduces to participants to the opelILIAS e-learning platform and presented the tools available in openILIAS for the creation of learning and exercise materials.
Supervised by Dr. Christian Brandt, participants of the seminar had an opportunity to experience creation of own e-learning and exercise content within the groups, exchange experience and advance themselves in media didactic methods.