CLIFOOD Meeting of the Subproject-leaders
25 February 2019, University of Hohenheim, Germany
CLIFOOD Meeting of the Subproject-leaders from Hawassa University (Dr. Tesfaye Abebe Amdie, Prof. Aberra Melesse Ayenew, Prof. Adugna Tolera Yadeta, Dr. Tarekegn Yoseph Samago, Dr. Samson Gebremedhin Gebreselassie, Dr. Girma Abera Jibat, Dr. Walelign Worku Ayele) and the University of Hohenheim (Prof. Joachim Müller, Prof. Dr. Thilo Streck, Dr. Sajid Latif, Dr. Christian Trost) with participation of the FSC leadership (FSC director Prof. Dr. Reiner Doluschitz, CEO Dr. Jenny Kopsch-Xhema) and CLIFOOD coordinators (Dr. Susanne Dreschl-Bogale, Tetyana Tonkoshkur, Dr. Sintayehu Yigrem Mersha) took place on 25 February at the University of Hohenheim.
Meeting agenda included review of recent project activities and planning of upcoming events, field works and research funds. Issues of CLIFOOD quality assurance and measures for sustainability of the Graduate School received a particular attention of subproject leaders. Special topic of the meeting was an ongoing external evaluation of the SDG Graduate School.