FSC in Südzeit
“The Global Nutrition in view” - press release in Südzeit Newspaper
An article about the Food Security Center published in “Südzeit” issue no. 78
- outlines FSC mission and activities in education, research, knowledge transfer and scientific policy advice,
- emphasizes targets towards achievement of UN Sustainable Development Goals with special focus on zero hunger (SDG 2) and no poverty (SDG 2) and
- underlines FSC efforts pointing excellent education of international young researchers, like Ph.D. programme “Global Food Security” at the University of Hohenheim and the first German-Ethiopian SDG Graduate School “Climate Change Effects of Global Food Security” (CLIFOOD) between the University of Hohenheim and Hawassa University.
CLIFOOD scholar and Ph.D. student in Hohenheim Markos Budusa Ware from Ethiopia gave an interview. In framework of Graduate School CLIFOOD he is currently doing his Ph.D. research on seasonal forecast of weather extremes for improving food security in the Horn of Africa. The research objective is to define global and local systems, influencing the Region. This will allow seasonal forecasts of weather extremes, which will help farmers in Ethiopia to optimize their production systems. The University of Hohenheim supports his research providing necessary facilities and scientific advice. Markos Budusa Ware shares also his experience on extracurricular life in Germany and explains how CLIFOOD broadens his intercultural horizons.
In total since 2009, the Food Security Center, together with its international partners has granted over 160 scholars from developing countries, published results of research work in 200 peer-reviewed papers, organized 7 summer schools and over 130 short courses in partner institutions. About 380,000 followers on Facebook worldwide are proof of the FSC's impressive outreach.