Workshop on blended learning concept development for Block Seminar 6 Agroecosystems
27.07.2019, University of Hohenheim, Germany
On 27 July 2017 the Workshop on blended learning concept development for Block Seminar 6 Agroecosystems took place at the University of Hohenheim. The target was to integrate needs and contents of the Block Seminar, its target group, educational philosophy of the CLIFOOD project and general conditions at the institutions involved to set innovative learning methods which focus on the learner. External expert on e-learning methods Dr. Katya Bett was invited to coordinate and moderate the process. CLIFOOD Coordinators Dr. Dreschl-Bogale and Tetyana Tonkoshkur, responsible for the Block Seminar Dr. Christian Brandt and Lisa Fritsch from the Didactic Department worked jointly to develop digital learning formats to be a part of the Block Seminar 6 on Agroecosystems. The concept was later on successfully implemented during the block seminar. Transfer-oriented and developed in sustainable manner, the concept is an important output of the project and will be used further by partners from Hawassa University and the University of Hohenheim.